Modern Applications of Software Engineering

Modern Applications of Software Engineering

Software engineering is a branch of engineering concerned with developing and managing full-fledged computer engineering and software systems. It is one of the most ubiquitous scientific fields of the modern world. Its applications are widespread and are implemented in almost every facet of contemporary life. Software and computational engineering have been one of the fastest-growing fields globally since the advent of the internet around the turn of the last century. As time passes, there’s an increased reliance on software for technologies such as mobile technology, automation, backend of digital industries, robotics, and banking, et cetera.

Software engineering is also composed of other sub-fields, the two most important of which are machine learning and artificial intelligence that vastly improves the capabilities of current modern software. They’re usually implemented by big tech companies as they have high overheads, making it not feasible for smaller companies or individuals. Technologies companies such as Google and Amazon make use of machine learning and AI to improve the features and user experience of their products. Amazon’s online e-commerce store applies complex machine learning algorithms to learn typical user behavior and recommend products according to user needs and prior browsing patterns. Youtube’s search system applies similar principles to suggest videos to the user, leading to an increase in viewer retention and enjoyment.

As can be seen, companies and individuals can leverage modern technologies to meet their business or personal goals. Software engineering develops rapidly over even a short amount of time, meaning software developers have to keep up with new and emerging technologies to prevent stagnation of their work. They apply knowledge of programming languages, proper software design principles, and engineering to create customizable solutions that fit producers’ and consumers’ needs. Not only is this field applicable in the business or technological world, but it can be fused with art design and various other artistic areas to create entertainment products such as video games, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and movies, et cetera that continue to push the interactivity and storytelling boundaries of their respective medium.